This is my finished box, it took a few hours to make and was quite cheap to put together.
First you need to buy a small cardboard two piece heart shaped box. These are easy to find in most art and craft shops.
The size is down to you, my box is 5 cm in length.

Next you need to cut out 2 heart shapes from red felt, slightly larger than the box lid. I was lucky enough to have some ready cut shapes of the correct size. I sewed the edges of the hearts together, and then padded the heart with a little cotton wool.
I had some stick on red "gems" in my craft box which I glued on the padded heart.
This added some sparkle and interest.
I thought the heart need something to edge it with and thought black lace would make a good contrast. I found some in my hat making supplies and sewed it around the edge.
This is the heart from the underneath.
I tidied up the lace and the heart was ready.
I had some black ribbon, which I glued around the edge of the lid
before gluing the finished heart on top.
I then had to think of an easy way to to decorate the sides of the box and found some two tone black and red ribbon which I glued to the outside. If you have time you may prefer to paint the box inside and out either red or black.
I added the decorated lid, and decided to add a few more "gems".
There are many more ways you could decorate the box, for example by painting it, decoupage, covering it in dried flowers, all you need is some imagination.
Happy Crafting!